Oil paintings&Drawings

100 10 2023/24 Awarded

100 people 10 2023/24 has been completed.

Number of visitors 1,730 people
Number of applications 966 / 497 people
Maximum number of applications (by work) 151
No. of works sold 87/100 points
Number of applicants for exhibition 842

PRTIMES The “100 People 10 2023/24” art event was a great success, with a record number of applications received by lottery.(Japanese only)

We are happy that so many people were able to see the show. Landscape 3309″ was sold out. We were also selected as an award-winning artist by our sponsors. We are very happy that Holbein K.K. sent us their feedback as well. Thank you to all the visitors, supporters, and everyone involved.

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